Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Meridia--Higher Chance of Problems than Benefits

The prescription weight loss drug Meridia was withdrawn from the US market last month. The drug, manufactured by Abbott Laboratories, is linked to heart problems including heart attacks and strokes. While these were among the reported side effects, the FDA could no longer justify the drug after comparing Meridia's weight loss benefits to the risks.

A study found when taking the drug a person's chance of stroke, heart attack and death increases by 16% compared to those taking a placebo. In comparison, there was only a 2.5% body weight difference. Since, the FDA encouraged Abbott Laboratories to voluntarily recall Meridia.

1 comment:

  1. I have been on Meridia 10mg for about 10 days now and besides for a slight increase in heart rate about an hour after I take it, I have not felt any effects. I feel like my appetite is about the same as it was before and I have lost several pounds but I feel like thats more due to a moderately strict protien diet and exercise than Meridia. I hear great things about it but not sure why I am not feeling anything, please help!
